Child Restraint Systems Use, Azogues 2018
This research studies the use of child restraint systems in two child development centres in the city of Azogues, Ecuador. Safety inside vehicles is one of the basic preventive actions in the event of a traffic accident. Objective: To evaluate the use of Child Retention Systems in private automotive vehicles carrying children (3 months to 5 years) in two child development centres in the city of Azogues. Methodology: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, and quantitative study involving 78 parents whose children attend to the child development centres transported by car. A validated survey was used to collect information. Results: 69% of the respondents reported having a child restraint system. 9% use the child restraint system, 46% carry the children in an adult’s arms, 26% transport children in the front passenger’s seat without a seat belt, 13% of children go alone in the back seat using a seat belt, 6% did not answer. Conclusions: Most child representatives driving their children to child development centres are aware of the importance of using child restraint systems. However, a high percentage of parents do not comply with the regulations regarding vehicle child transportation, leading to the transport of children in an adult’s arms/lap in the front or back seat, or without a companion, with or without a seat belt.
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- Abstract 194
- pdf (Español (España)) 157
- Audio en español (Español (España)) 28