Intervención de enfermería en embarazadas para el aumento del tamizaje neonatal
Context: Studies carried out demonstrate the need to strengthen the nursing intervention regarding the neonatal screening project carried out by the Ministry of Public Health at the national level, where a plan of talks is held for nursing intervention to increase neonatal screening. Objective: To demonstrate the importance of neonatal screening in order to demonstrate metabolic and congenital diseases. Procedures: This study is carried out at the Venus de Valdivia health center, emphasizing the importance of its application for the detection of possible diseases and that can be prevented in time. The survey and interview were used to know the current status of the problem, lectures were given and the effectiveness of the proposal was verified. Results: it was evidenced that there are limited awareness programs aimed at women in a state of gestation about the neonatal screening test. Conclusions: It was concluded that nurses should maintain a direct dialogue with pregnant women when they attend prenatal check-ups, which will contribute to interest and knowledge on when to access the corresponding vaccines and especially take into account the time for the neonatal screening test.
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- Abstract 275
- pdf (Español (España)) 352
- Audio en español (Español (España)) 26