Educational strategies for teenage pregnancy prevention UPSE Educational Unit


  • Aida García Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
  • Carlos Saavedra Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
  • Nancy Martínez Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
  • Isoled Herrera Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
  • Adonis Hernández Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena



sustainable entrepreneurship, innovative potential, dimensions of sustainable development


Introduction: Teenage pregnancy is a worldwide social and public health problem, especially because of the increase in the number of pregnancies occurring in young girls who are not mature and therefore, do not have sufficient maturity and preparation for facing the arrival of a new human being, since from the bio-psycho-social point of view they are not yet ready for maternity. Objectives: To implement educational strategies for the adolescents at the UPSE Educational Unit in Santa Elena to raise their knowledge level about early pregnancy prevention, and to identify the causal factors influencing teenage pregnancy. Materials and Methods: The research was carried out within a descriptive, qualitative, quantitative and cross-sectional study framework. The study sample population consisted of 375 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years who represented 53% of the total population. It included 4 pregnant girls, 3 of them were already mothers and 368 were not pregnant. The survey was the tool used for data collection. Results: Results show that 57% of the participants started sexual intercourse early in life, they represented the 15 to 16 years age group, followed by the 12 to 13 years age group, with 25.3%; 79.2% knew about contraceptive methods, while 20.8% lacked this knowledge. Conclusions: The importance of this research, in the nursing field, resides in the need for generating educational actions, both for the adolescent and the adult population; which will not only benefit adolescents but families, communities, the health education sector, health professionals, and the health system, since, by contributing to the reduction of teenage pregnancies, the number of maternal deaths will also decrease as teenage pregnancy constitutes one of the main death causes.


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  • Abstract 413
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How to Cite

García, A., Saavedra, C., Martínez, N., Herrera, I., & Hernández, A. (2019). Educational strategies for teenage pregnancy prevention UPSE Educational Unit. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 3(1), 17–24.



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