Risk factors associated with the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age


  • Erica Paola Rojas-Verdugo Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Olga Mariuxi Villanueva-Muyulema Universidad Católica de Cuenca
  • Cesar Remigio Vega-Abad Universidad Católica de Cuenca




The nutricional status in children under 5 years is very important in the first years of life, due ti this is the balance of the appropriate intake of food that the body needs in order to develop properly, avoiding diseases more frequently and so they can have a growth according to the age. The different existing risk factor son the nutricional status of children affect them in such a way that they put their health at risk. In this situation, this research Project is applied in order to determine the risk factors associated with the nutrition state of children under 5 years of San Pedro del Cebollar Health Center, period May-October 2018, the methodology used in this research is the descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional, the technique and instrument of data collection is through a survey which was animed at the population  under 5 years old, having 60 mothers of children to obtain true and reliable data on this problema, once obtained, they were registered in the SPSS system for their respective processing and analysis, allowing us to know that most children have malnutrition and that factors associated with the 68.33%, which affects one or another way in their daily diet, indicating us that they do not have the necessary resources to pay a good diet for their children; besides they tell us that their children eat 58.33% three times a day, that is, breakfast, lunch and snack, buy it is in a minimun amont, it is not recommended for their age and thus help them to improve their nutritional status.


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  • Abstract 277
  • pdf (Español (España)) 223
  • Audio en español (Español (España)) 23

How to Cite

Rojas-Verdugo, E. P., Villanueva-Muyulema, O. M., & Vega-Abad, C. R. (2019). Risk factors associated with the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 3(2), 27–32. https://doi.org/10.26871/killcana_salud.v3i2.380



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