Enfermedad periodontal y vulnerabilidad social en niños menores de 10 años de escuelas públicas de algunos países latinoamericanos. Revisión bibliográfica.
vulnerabilidad social, enfermedad periodontal, factores asociadosAbstract
Objective. To identify the association of periodontal disease with social vulnerability in £10-year-old children in public schools in some Latin American countries.
Material and methods. Bibliographic review of the medical literature. The databases of Web of Science (WOS), PubMed and LILACS were used and the following filters were used: publications between 2012 and 2022, with children £ 10 years old, full-text articles and free access, in English, Portuguese and Spanish, with the search terms: "children", "periodontal disease", "socioeconomics associated factors", and Boolean operatives: "AND", "OR" and "NOT".
Results. We located 1149 articles, accessed 114 of which 37 were selected, 15 were read and 6 were considered suitable for analysis. We found no homogeneity in the studies in terms of associated factors. The medium and low socioeconomic conditions, the cultural level of the parents and their occupation were identified indistinctly in some reports as associated factors, along with other conditions that were not expressly sought such as: male sex, consumption of sugary drinks, pre-school age and low frequency of toothbrushing.
Conclusions. The dissimilarity in the results leads to the need to expand research to obtain conclusive results on the influence that social vulnerability seems to have on periodontal disease in scholars up to ten years old.
Keywords. Social vulnerability, periodontal disease, associated factors.
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