mandibular advancement, class III, maloclussion, orthopedicsAbstract
Class III malocclusion is characterized by maxillary retrusion, mandibular protrusion, or a mixture of both. These patients may present alterations in the transverse, sagittal, and vertical planes of the skeletal and dentoalveolar structures; therefore, it is considered a disorder with a multifactorial etiology. Objective: To report the treatment of a Class III malocclusion in a pediatric patient using the Hyrax type disjunctor and a face mask. The case of a male patient in his first decade of life who came to the Catholic University of Cuenca for a dental consultation has been reported. In the intraoral clinical analysis, he presented a mixed dentition of the first phase; in the sagittal plane, he showed a class III right and Class I left molar relationship. The cephalometric analysis showed a Class III skeletal pattern due to maxillary retrusion. The rapid maxillary expansion was performed for eight days, and an expansion of approximately 5 mm was achieved; then, the Petit mask with elastics (16 hours/day) was indicated for six months, and maxillary advancement was obtained. Conclusions: Rapid maxillary disjunction combined with the facial mask was an optimal treatment with different skeletal and dental results that were favorable for this particular patient, as positive and stable changes in the occlusion were observed.
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