Alternativas terapèuticas utilizadas por personal sanitario para prevenciòn de infecciòn COVID-19, Pasto-Colombia 2021
Health personnel, Coronavirus Infections, Complementary Therapies, Intensive care unitsAbstract
Introduction. The health personnel of the Intensive Care Units - ICUs, seek to take care of themselves and protect themselves to prevent contagion using different measures. Aim. Identify the alternative treatments used by health personnel in the UCIS, of Pasto-Nariño 2020-2021 Methodology. Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out in a sample of 105 people who worked in the intensive care units of how many institutions, between the years 2020 and 2021. Results. 63.8% work in Adult Intensive Care UCIA, 22.9% in Neonatal Intensive Care NICU, 97.2% of workers live with a family member and 33% of the cohabitants took some medication to prevent COVID - 19, 61% of the workers who are in the ICUs consumed some medication to prevent COVID - 19, 41% ivermectin, 8% took some natural product, 6% vitamins, 4.8% antibiotics and to a lesser extent 2% took interferon, only the 3.8% consumed more than one medication to avoid COVID - 19. Conclusion. The Covid 19 pandemic had an impact on ICU staff. At the beginning of the pandemic there was no specific treatment or vaccine to prevent this disease, the vast majority of professionals to prevent COVID-19 used pharmacological treatments and natural products without necessary scientific evidence for their use.
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Ganán-Barrionuevo A, Benavides-Rovalino E. Creencias y Mitos Sobre los Tratamientos Alternativos para Prevenir …
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