Poverty, Health, Gangrenous stomatitis, Nutritional status.Abstract
Context: The effects of a poor nutritional state in the conformation of the human being, from its initial stages and in the first years of life are prolonged throughout the rest of life, increasing the risk of suffering diseases; energy, protein, and nutrient deficiencies cause dysfunctional effects on the endocrine, neurological, metabolic, and immune systems, with dramatic repercussions on health.
Objective: Provide information on the serious morphofunctional consequences caused by malnutrition, poverty and health are interrelated processes, an association that reflects causality, in which poverty causes poor health and poor health causes poverty to perpetuate itself.
Report information and conclusions: Polymicrobial, destructive and disfiguring disease known as gangrenous stomatitis, develops preferentially in places where poverty, overcrowding and poor sanitation prevail, preventable, as long as it is detected early. The exact consequences of the COVID-19 post-pandemic are not known, it is predicted that there will be dramatic cultural, economic and social changes, aggravating existing structural problems, a situation that will increase poverty and a setback from decades ago.
Keywords: Poverty, Health, Gangrenous stomatitis, Nutritional status
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