

  • Wilmer Sanango Reinoso Carrera de Medicina Universidad Católica de Cuenca Campus Azogues
  • Edisson Bolívar Bermeo Astudillo Hospital IESS JOsé Carrasco Arteaga
  • Darío Javier Duchi Valdez Hospital IESS José Carrasco Arteaga
  • Aida Sofía Valladarez Vázquez Hospital IESS José Carrasco Arteaga
  • Carmen Maricela Sevilla Rodriguez Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo Azogues



: Lesión renal aguda, Pigmentos Biliares, Colestasis, Diálisis


Acute kidney injury as a result of increased bilirubin is a little known entity, but potentially curable if diagnosed in a timely manner, that is why we review a clinical case, assessed in a public hospital in the city of Cuenca, in which an opportune diagnosis was made, also after improving the cause of the cholestasis and with an adequate treatment, renal replacement therapies were avoided. 


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  • Abstract 355
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How to Cite

Sanango Reinoso, W., Bermeo Astudillo , E. B. ., Duchi Valdez, . D. J., Valladarez Vázquez, . A. S., & Sevilla Rodriguez , C. M. (2022). Español. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 6(2), 147–154.