



Introduction: In 2019, an enormous burden for medical care began due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this new and unknown disease caused a high number of deaths and global infections. The salivary glands and the oral mucosa have been considered as a potential reservoir of the virus. It has been linked to periodontal disease and systemic conditions, suggesting that people with periodontitis may be at increased risk of developing various diseases. Objective: To determine if periodontal disease is a risk factor for covid-19. Materials and methods: A bibliographic and literary search were carried out in databases such as PubMed, Scoopus, Periodontology 2000, Journal of Periodontology of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues, the same ones that provided us with relevant information on the treated topic; We obtained 275 articles, the same ones that were analyzed and due to inclusion criteria such as their age, content and scientific validity, we used 9 since they met the required parameters. Results: Periodontal disease is an indirect risk factor for COVID-19 and leads to different systemic complications; It is emphasized that good oral hygiene helps maintain and achieve stable periodontal health. Conclusions: Adequate oral hygiene prevents the formation of bacterial plaque and the development of periodontitis, reducing the risk and severity of the virus, which together with periodontal pathogens increase the viral load, causing inflammatory responses mediated by the immune system.


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How to Cite

Tello Terán, D. ., Redrován Reyes, . P. C., & Quinteros León, V. G. . (2023). PERIODONTAL DISEASE AS A RISK FACTOR FOR COVID-19. Killkana Salud Y Bienestar, 7(1), 103–116.



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