La Ética Tectónica en el siglo XXI


  • Nelson Federico Córdova González UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE CUENCA
  • Marco Benigno Ávila Calle



Tectonic Ethics


Mr. Editor: Within the framework of the III International Congress of Ethics in Cuenca, University City, developed during November 23, 24 and 25, 2022, topics of great interest for today's society were discussed; being a thematic axis the ethics in the professional work of architects and engineers, involved in planning and construction processes of our tangible society. 

As a starting point, ethics is defined as; the reflection on free acts and the argumentation of the motives of man's action (Betancur, 2016). This definition integrates important factors such as reflection, argumentation, rights and duties, which must be considered when evaluating a work, since, throughout the history of mankind, there have been great cultures that have stood out for creating architectural works that endure to the present day; these works have been catalogued as having great architectural value due to multiple characteristics, technical, artistic, structural, among others. For all this, it is unquestionable not to admire the beauty of the ziggurats, the pyramids, the temples, the coliseums, the basilicas of the different cultures, as much for its monumentality, as for the details and constructive systems used, nevertheless, the question arises from the ethical point of view is conceivable to appreciate constructions that were result of years of conquest, of slavery of several generations and towns to represent the ego of the governors of time, or perhaps the "end justifies the means? Or does beauty always represent the good?


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  • Abstract 70
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