Revista Killkana Sociales Vol. 7, No 1, enero-abril, 2023
Discovery strategies in english listening
skills based on the use of technological
Estrategias de descubrimiento en las habilidades
auditivas en inglés basadas en el uso de dispositivos
In the eld of English language teaching, the aim is to promote the discovery strategy, which
seeks to improve listening skills in English, by providing the ability to distinguish the sound
and the word in a more autonomous way, in addition, it allows it to be an active process
where the listener uses his linguistic and contextual knowledge to achieve the understanding
of the message motivated by the use of technological devices. Therefore, the objective of
the study was to know the support of the discovery strategy in the listening ability of the
English language by the use of technological devices in high school students. With a mixed
approach, with a correlational type of research and a quasi-experimental design. For the study
population, the students of the Glenn Doman Educational Unit were considered, under a non-
probabilistic sampling by convenience, 56 students of the tenth year of basic education of
the city of Ambato were selected. Subsequently, two groups were formed, a control group
and an experimental group, with the same number of participants (28). As an instrument, the
standardized PET test level B1 of English was applied to both groups to identify the level of
listening comprehension of the English language in these students. The research consisted of
applying the discovery strategy for two days a week for two months, while the control group
continued with the traditional method. The research showed that the discovery strategy
positively inuences the students' listening skills. Finally, the development of aspects such as
the recognition of words, phrases, or stories, as well as the comprehension and ability to make
inferences when unfamiliar terms are used was evidenced.
Iza Pazmiño-Sarah Jacqueline1*; Pico Balseca-Karla Lissette2; Jordan Buenaño-Cristina3;
Encalada Trujillo-Edgar Guadia4
1-3-4 Universidad Técnica de Ambato // //
2 Unidad Educativa San Pio X //
Artículo Original. Revista Killkana Sociales.Vol. 7, No 1. pp. 95 - 104 , enero-abril, 2023.
p-ISSN 2528-8008 / e-ISSN 2588-087X. Universidad Católica de Cuenca
Revista Killkana Sociales Vol. 7, No 1, enero-abril, 2023
Iza Pazmiño Sarah y cols.
Keywords: Learning; Discovery strategy, Listening skills, English language
En el campo de la enseñanza del inglés se busca promover la estrategia del descubrimiento,
la cual pretende mejorar las habilidades auditivas en inglés, al proporcionar la capacidad
de distinguir el sonido y la palabra de manera más autónoma, además, permite que sea un
proceso activo donde el oyente usa su conocimiento lingüístico y contextual para lograr la
comprensión del mensaje motivados por el uso de dispositivos tecnológicos. Es por ello, el
objetivo de estudio fue conocer el apoyo de la estrategia de descubrimiento en la habilidad
de escucha del idioma inglés por el uso de los dispositivos tecnológicos en estudiantes de
secundaria. Con un enfoque mixto, con un tipo de investigación correlacional y con un diseño
cuasi - experimental. Para la población de estudio se consideró a los estudiantes de la Unidad
Educativa Glenn Doman, bajo un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia se seleccionó a
56 estudiantes del décimo año de educación básica de la ciudad de Ambato. Posteriormente,
se conformaron dos grupos uno de control y otro experimental, con el mismo número de
participantes (28) como instrumento se aplicó la prueba PET estandarizada nivel B1 de inglés
a ambos grupos con el n de identicar el nivel de comprensión auditiva del idioma inglés
in estos estudiantes. La investigación consistió en aplicar la estrategia de descubrimiento
por dos días a la semana en dos meses, mientras que, el grupo de control continuó con el
método tradicional. La investigación demostró que la estrategia de descubrimiento inuye
positivamente en la capacidad de escucha de los estudiantes. Finalmente, se evidenció el
desarrollo de aspectos, como el reconocimiento de palabras, frases o cuentos, así como también,
la comprensión y capacidad para hacer inferencias cuando se utilizan términos desconocidos.
Palabras clave: Aprendizaje; Estrategia de descubrimiento, Habilidad de escucha, Idioma
1. Introduction
In recent years, the importance of English language learning has become evident
especially in educational institutions. Currently, it is known that the English language is a
signicant asset of knowledge (Colcha et al., 2019). English began decades ago a process of
expansion adhering to the phenomenon known worldwide as globalization.
In the process of teaching and learning English, the teacher and the student represent
two of the most important elements, on which will depend to a great extent the correct
or bad development of this process that has as its primary objective the communicative
purpose (Beltrán, 2017). These two components play a fundamental role, one depends on
the other, and when one of them does not fulll its function correctly, the teaching-learning
process does not achieve the expected results.
The relevance of learning foreign languages, particularly in these times, is
indisputable, for the learning of other languages becomes a growing trend, marking the
Revista Killkana Sociales Vol. 7, No 1, enero-abril, 2023
Discovery strategies in English listening skills based
on the use of technological devices.
evident importance of fostering bilingual education (López, 2020). Therefore, its learning
constitutes a priority from the primary levels of education, reaching the peak of higher
education, where their knowledge and qualities in the different aspects of listening,
expression, and interpretation should be elevated. (Chávez et al., 2017).
The essential task of English teachers is to provide students with the possibility of
developing communicative tasks that promote language prociency. However, the activities
used do not always integrate the four language skills or focus more on the development of
writing and reading comprehension than on oral production and listening comprehension.
Learning English is done by different methods and techniques, which allow a
communicative of teaching to transmit knowledge and teach grammar, vocabulary, oral
expression, listening, reading, and writing, to improve communication skills through
techniques in which the teacher acts as a facilitator in the classroom while encouraging
students to use the English language as much time as possible (Macías, 2017).
With this group, the typology of teaching-learning strategies used and directed
to the development of motivation must be aimed at helping the students so that they can
overcome different obstacles in the learning process. It is essential to reinforce them to
maintain their attention, mainly by giving meaning to the act of learning from experience and
its projection in everyday life. Therefore, the objective of the study was to know the support
of the discovery strategy in the listening skill of the English language using technological
devices in high school students.
Education is the means that make possible the development of individuals, improves
their morale, intellectual, and physical faculties. Education does not create faculties in
the learner but favors their development. In the educational eld, different methods are
considered to favor different types of learning, depending on the theory that is considered
as a foundation, the differentiation of the types of learning, considers different processes:
repetitive or rote learning, and meaningful learning, either by reception or by discovery.
(Rodas & Rodas, 2021).
According to the cognitive theories of learning, the task of the educator is to promote
meaningful learning among students, associated with higher levels of understanding of
information and to be more resistant to forgetting. In this aspect, the role of the teacher
is to help transform the thinking schemes, allowing the citizen to acquire a set of basic
competencies, such as the ability to give an opinion, participate, cooperate, criticize, create
and produce intellectually. (Arias & Oblitas, 2014).
Guided discovery teaching procedures involve providing students with opportunities
to actively manipulate objects and transform them by direct action, as well as activities to
search, explore and analyze. These opportunities not only increase students' knowledge of
the topic but also stimulate their curiosity and help them develop strategies for learning,
discovering knowledge in other situations. (Molina, 2020). Considering that there is no real
understanding until the student applies that knowledge in other situations, learning involves
describing and interpreting the situation, establishing relationships between relevant
factors, selecting, applying rules, methods, and constructing their conclusions.
Discovery learning activities being open-ended and self-directed are inherently
learner-centered, promote autonomy, and have substantial transfer potential, as learners
Revista Killkana Sociales Vol. 7, No 1, enero-abril, 2023
Iza Pazmiño Sarah y cols.
practice and develop routines for analyzing corpus data that will undoubtedly also be useful
in their profession (Bernardini, 2016). While autonomy and learner-centeredness are widely
recognized as valuable in second language learning, they are especially important for
learners. Many years of language teaching may have instilled in these learners the (usually
misleading) assumption that they do not need more language skills; at the same time, they
make it dicult for teachers to identify common areas that all learners in a class should
work on (Sayukti, 2018).
In such a sense, discovery learning is an inductive process aimed at favoring
the perception of patterns, i.e., correlations between form and meaning in language
performance, or preferred ways of expressing things (Eskandari, 2016). The discovery
strategy is important because it helps to improve auditory skills by providing the ability to
distinguish sound and word that is more autonomous by having students decrease cognitive
procedures by increasing meanings.
Methods such as discovery strategies that are becoming increasingly relevant for
the teaching of foreign languages are those supported by alternative didactic strategies
and ICT. In this sense, those that advocate globalized learning and language learning in a
community can be referred to (Ricoy & Alvarez, 2016). In these, the inclusion of external
stimuli, which incorporate playful components linked to everyday life, as well as the
combination of innovative didactic resources, contribute to improving interest in the
language to be acquired.
Listening comprehension is the most important skill to develop in English as a
foreign language classroom. Its development precedes speaking, reading comprehension,
and writing. (García & Bravo, 2018). It refers to the process of understanding spoken
language, moreover, listening comprehension involves more than simply perceiving
sounds and becomes a process that requires paying attention to aspects of discourse
and understanding a message. (Yilorm et al., 2019). Each individual listens differently and,
therefore, several sub-skills depend on the reason or purpose for listening. These sub-skills
include listening for gist, listening for specic information, listening for details, intensive
listening, and extensive listening. (Martínez et al., 2020).
In recent years, a new approach to teaching listening comprehension has been
introduced, a method for improving listening skills by having students discover and then
prioritize their listening diculties. This approach is known as Discovery Listening. The
task in discovery listening has three phases: listening, reconstructing, and discovering.
The listening phase has 3 stages: rst, learners just listen to a short text spoken at normal
speed; then, they self-assess their level of comprehension after listening; and nally, they
listen twice more and take notes (Marzban & Isazadeh, 2012).
In the reconstruction phase, listeners should form small groups use their notes,
and try to reconstruct the original text together. The discovery phase has 3 stages: rst,
learners compare their reconstructed text with the original and try to classify the reasons
for their errors; then, they evaluate the relative importance of their errors; and nally, they
listen again without reading the text, and evaluate their performance. This phase takes
students a step further than traditional microlensing when they compare their recreated
listening text with the original and try to classify their errors in some categories provided
Revista Killkana Sociales Vol. 7, No 1, enero-abril, 2023
Discovery strategies in English listening skills based
on the use of technological devices.
on their task sheets. The text in discovery listening must be graded because, with ungraded
listening text, listeners will be forced to use top-down contextual guessing (Hartiningsari,
2. Methodology
The present research had a mixed approach. (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza,
2018), both qualitative and quantitative approaches were maintained because numerical and
statistical processing of the data obtained is maintained, similarly, the qualitative approach
was used to interpret the data and describe the proposed research variables.
In addition, the study had a correlational type of research, because a pre-test and post-test of
the data presented were related, and nally, it worked with a quasi-experimental design, since
it is intended to nd out if the discovery strategy inuences a variable of interest (listening
For the study population, the students of the Glenn Doman Educational Unit were considered,
under a non-probabilistic sampling by convenience, 56 students of the tenth year of basic
education of the city of Ambato were selected. Subsequently, two groups were formed, a
control group and an experimental group, with the same number of participants (28 in each
As an instrument, the standardized PET test level B1 of English was applied to both groups
to identify the level of listening comprehension of the English language in these students.
The PET test evaluates the four skills, oral comprehension, reading comprehension, written
expression, and oral expression. After the application of the test, the research consisted of
applying the discovery strategy for two days a week for two months to the experimental group,
while the control group continued with the traditional method.
After applying the discovery technique for two months, students took a new PET test of similar
diculty, and their scores were recorded in both the control and experimental groups. Finally,
the results of the assessment regarding the development of listening skills in both groups were
compared to check the level of progress achieved after the implementation of the discovery
The information from the eld study was reviewed, classied, and processed through the SPSS
version 25 statistical software, where the initial (pretest) and nal (post-test) evaluative data
of both groups were entered, establishing descriptive statistics for each student analyzed
and for each group, in addition, the Wilcoxon test was applied for a comparison of the pre and
post-test, so it was not necessary to apply a multivariate normality test on the data, a p value
of 0.01 lower than 0.05 was obtained.
3. Results
To respond to the present study, it was necessary to compare the results obtained
between the experimental group and the control group, thus evidencing the effect that the
application of the strategy had on the students and their listening skills. Therefore, according
to the results of the PET test, the students of the control group had an initial performance
considered as regular in 53% of the students, 29% had a good performance and 18% had a
Revista Killkana Sociales Vol. 7, No 1, enero-abril, 2023
Iza Pazmiño Sarah y cols.
bad performance, understanding that the pretest had a standard deviation of 0.685. In this
sense, after the application of the discovery strategy, the reduction of students from poor
performance to 14% was noticeable, in addition, a clear increase to 61% of students with a
regular performance was evidenced, therefore, the standard deviation of the post-test was
In the case of the experimental group, it was identied that 52% in the initial PET test
had a regular level in the auditory skill, on the other hand, 35% maintained a good performance
level, 10% had a poor level and nally, 3% maintained a very good level, thus obtaining a
standard deviation of 0.629 in the pretest. After the application of the discovery strategy,
the level improved considerably in all students, since 50% went from a regular level to a good
level, in the very good level there was an increase from 3% to 29% and 3% maintained an
excellent level, in this sense, the post-test increased to 0.772.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics control and experimental group (Pretest and Post-test)
Table 2. Ranges control and experimental group (Pretest and Post-test)
Source: Own elaboration
Source: Own elaboration
In Table 2 and Table 3, the Wilcoxon statistical method was applied to analyze the
effects of the use of discovery strategies and listening skills. In the control group, a comparison
was made between the pre-and post-test where a bilateral signicance of 0.025 was obtained;
on the other hand, in the experimental group between the pre-and post-test, a signicance of
0.000 was reached.
By performing a non-parametric analysis that statistically compares the average
of two dependent samples as was the case of the pre and post-test of the control and
experimental groups. Signicant differences were evaluated, in that both the control group
and the experimental group improved their listening skills, however, in the experimental group
there was an improvement with a higher degree of signicance.
Revista Killkana Sociales Vol. 7, No 1, enero-abril, 2023
Discovery strategies in English listening skills based
on the use of technological devices.
4. Discussion
The different approaches and methods of language teaching have evolved throughout
history not only in relation to the conception of the language and its learning, but also
changes have been produced in the role they have the participants in this process and their
needs (Lucas, 2020). The discovery strategy of the present study focused on pedagogy that
exposes students to various situations, these questions or tasks that let them discover the
intended concepts or materials for themselves. Learning occurred when learners build an
understanding of newly discovered information by associating it with prior knowledge in an
organized and systematic way. Within this context, the discovery strategy is dened as the
exploration based on an authentic problem using processes and tools of this discipline, it
has been recommended as a didactic means by the main scientic education organizations
(Recino et al., 2014).
The systematization of exercises and didactic situations implies, therefore, a path
of critical interpretation of one or several possibilities of didactic realities that, from their
rediscovery and revaluation (Bravo & Vigueras, 2021). Coinciding with the above, this research
explains and argues the practice in classroom didactics in particular and training in general, the
factors that have participated in this process, how they have interacted with each other, and
why it has developed in this way. In this systematization, diverse sensations and perceptions
are evidenced that make it possible to discover the development of auditory skills.
The construction of knowledge in the experimental group occurred through the
transformation, organization and reorganization of prior knowledge and information.
Therefore, the students did not come to class empty-headed, they had ideas about the physical
and natural world; they possess concepts of space, time, quantity and causality; they learn
best when they make discoveries, reect on them and discuss them. In this sense, it coincides
with the opinion of Ortiz (2015), which describes that at the level of thought, constructivism
consists of reviewing, developing and reinforcing cognitive structures in light of their levels
of simplicity and complexity, in such a way that accommodation between prior knowledge
and new knowledge is achieved. Thus, the student will be exposed to learning by discovery,
experimentation and manipulation of concrete realities.
The teaching-learning process of listening comprehension as a skill was favored with
the introduction of more signicant activities for students (Martínez et al., 2020). Students
must be made aware that they are an active part in the process, that learning takes place not
Table 3. Correlation between control and experimental group (Pretest and Posttest)
Source: Own elaboration
Revista Killkana Sociales Vol. 7, No 1, enero-abril, 2023
Iza Pazmiño Sarah y cols.
only when they carry out different didactic activities proposed by the teacher, but also when
they themselves interact in the classroom or propose activities that promote communication
and the actual use of language (García & Bravo, 2018). As established, both the control group and
the experimental group were considered, in the case of the English language, communication
skills were addressed as the main parameter in the development of listening skills.
Listening comprehension plays a central and predominant role in the language
learning process (Abreus & Carballosa, 2014). In this sense, production precedes the learning
of a language and there can be no production unless the linguistic stimulus is given and this,
in turn, becomes comprehensible material for the person who listens (López et al., 2021). It
was possible to verify the acceptance and appropriation of the change in the experimental
group. Teachers and students participated and were subject to improvements so that their
impact was signicant, capable of adopting, adapting, generating innovations and identifying
improvements, setting new goals and using strategies, methods, procedures and actions,
which expresses the effectiveness of the proposal in scientic research.
A foreign language learner has a set of stored concepts that she puts into practice
when she produces an oral or written text. This set of concepts is not static, but is perfected as
more information about the language is received (Arévalo, 2019). Therefore, the most relevant
result of this study is undoubtedly reected in the increase in communicative competence in
students' listening comprehension.
5. Conclusions and recommendations
It was determined that the use of the strategy favors the development of the listening
skill, and it was also evidenced by the improvement in considerable representations in the
students who were part of the research with the use of the discovery strategy, which proved
the effect that the strategy has on learning. Therefore, it is armed that the application of the
discovery strategy does favor the improvement of listening skills. After the application, the
improvement in auditory skills was evident, due to the ability to recognize words, phrases, and
short texts directly or according to the context that is handled.
Knowing that the ability to listen in English language learning is a constant and active
process, in which the listener applies both linguistic and contextual knowledge to understand
the message to be transmitted, in this sense, this supports the learning process with the use
of attractive and dynamic strategies such as discovery strategies. In this sense, by working
with the implementation of discovery strategies, the student improved his listening skills in
some cases, and in others, he improved, and as a consequence, the development of other
skills such as receptive and productive skills was achieved.
Based on the above, it is recommended that language teachers apply active learning
strategies aimed at improving listening skills at different educational levels. It is suggested to
carry out future studies in which the discovery strategy is applied to the four skills: listening
comprehension, reading comprehension, written expression, and oral expression.
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28 de enero 2022
14 de enero 2023